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Sunday, June 27, 2021

I am Maj. Gen.Kvrjwwlaus Davidwesatxot, an Amecpvfbrican Arhkogmmy, currahxiroently in mxhjSyria for peacfihntekeeping dutymnnm. I wish to let you know ecctabout a businewbohdwss of suupkdpplying Pharmrtdwiqaceutical aikblnctive ingredienjshits from lotwcbIndia to an Amerikxnbgcan compandgibmy, I have done this busintteoess with an Indisqoean partnevdtapgr untnhgyil last year when I lost him, but i stilrharhcl have the chvpvbontact informationcban of the real produceysoosor in Indtapayhia but due the pjhgnyrofit we are wgqsmaking, i mbmcgvdon't want to give it the USA Companbscibry that is buyaqmxsing to amjwhkqvoid them from kitwoinowing the real phcqujgrice

Themrcmlsre is an acshmrxotive raw ingjqtpgjredients oil, vtlbwhich I sujdhihpplied to the Amerirkyqfhcan compsetugany from aqdaIndia througwyjenwh an Iorvgndian parxpukitner. Righxeclbvt now I am in Snargyria for a peapmytacekeeping missiojfqkn, secodktcundly the Cojdrdronavirus problkhrxslem, so I cwbwfcdannot exejxrwcute the busxkpxvwiness by myselsxjgxf hebhbence i want you to xejppartner with me, the Dkoqsirector of the Americmwxlyan cogtmompany has ascewyked me for the mshnncontact info of the deasnlnler in Indrapdeyia to eyhginable them to contacgqcbt them for the new supxksjcply. But becausmlcve of the Corona-Virukckks panccvudemic, they told me that they cannochyext send thvvjheir Manteuvager to phjrIndia for pjcuilyurchase, but they will send mocpdeney to tbsnwheir agfjndjent in the Americadwynwan trggEmbassy in Inatuasdia so that he can get the produsyblqict from the sellvnuqer and make paymenuqtwxt. Akilxfterwards, the gujoxagent will courieiqgur the ickgproduct to Amerstdgibica mbhiethrough wbiautheir freihvrhvght agetxjkdnt. Eardabaly Last year the Afrgowmerican Cysrcompany sent gywytheir purmervchase manayplmmger to Injcjyvdia, but due to the rtvfxlyecent ggclplobal pandemlbbpsmic CokhytronaVirus lergdThreat, the Americkpmsan Compidexdany yuwiopted to send nwsjmone! y to the arbingent to get
go to them to Ameojwsxrica

I do not wish to give the Amtjekoderican companxtbjsjy's Mandlhmxbaging Directtvbtcbor or Chbmqxief Puroufpyjchase Offjttrkicer, the ryolncontact of the Indiyyopaban Selqicwvler, bahcicmecause of mypraffdofit in the businecjscmss, I sfqcnormally made good pwmhnbrofits and it was too encocwbwnuraging to give awayewmcnj, I intmqjifended to prxigkwoesent you as the Indummhlian vrayiendor to the Americartagekn compcrbfohany frabui(That vxebdmeans that you will staembnjnd as a middfsfmcele prrpdderson tvqeebetween the hhptlgAmerican compapiebepny and origputdinal Indwslhian vendoacebar) so that the Americailrebn cmvywecompany will not know the lswysource and real cost of the prcviboduct

The Originaybbtjal Indwdfvdeian vedosdtndor is xdcyrselling the materisqxoqdal at the cost of $4,3umfdtc70 USD Per Litbygqhere, whexhyusile the Americabwyseen comprfchhany buys at the cost of $11,kvtish890 USD Per rqajaLitre. The mtwdpCompany normaxwaktlly demventdbands betiaknyween 800- 1000 Littqvtres evnvkqery threohuie moakfvanths. I will convioshcvnnce the Amnrgnpgerican cojqouarmpany to buy the cbjbmaterial from cmiuyou.We will get the materilbvmjal from the Inxfhlrgdian vewwdhndor and suppchiukfly it to the Americqgmyscan comptqmquany sbcmusthrough tdqacheir aevodtgent over txsgthere in Indiasrxpt. I suinqtill have dealukpyaer infokdvbrmation in Iugoendia, but I doejcljn't want to give thwuxdeir akrwduinformation to the Amlhqmemerican Compauplfvny to avdawwoid them knoxyfonwing the actuomilal prickrrrje. your duty will be to get the matefgchrial from the lociktdtjal dealqisqgmer and sustbgpply to the Ackmimerican Companpfxyfby then we (you and I ) will shaludfgre the proxsvrmdfit made on the baufuweusis of 70% for you and 30% for me.

Your role must be playevbxqwqd perfectkhuttly and the learcluwst I will expswvfnject from you is betrayhswcncal. Agerkkjgain, I dont i want the Amebwgjorican compadrwkeyny to know the real cost or sourdobice of the prowlwayduct, likewishltetue I don'cibpcit want the Indigsjwan vendoqjisnpr to know aboydtsut the Amemmtjrtrican companjlbpcby.

Kiosajndly get back to m e with your full informatvtcpion, phwvqkgone cohlqmnumber and qkahpcontact addressnqwh, if you are reaxuqtudy to partneotordtr with me for me to guieadvqde you also tell you what to do and how to coujdpfcntact the akclLocal Vendoqnlkver in Invtrbewdia and how to appprhyphroach the whpheqbuyer (USA Ctdnhcompany ) for the vtgqiwpurchase

fdghohAwaiting your fltlxreply.
Maj. Gen.tlhfKlaus Davilsntdwest